Graduate Administrator
We are pleased to announce that Teresa White, Administrative Support Assistant, has been honored with the 2023 UF Superior Accomplishment Award for her outstanding contributions to our department and institution!
The University of Florida Superior Accomplishment Awards program recognizes faculty and staff who have contributed outstanding and meritorious service, have shown efficiency or economy in their work, or have created an impact on the quality of life provided to students and employees. Each winner was nominated by supervisors, peers or customers who wrote glowing letters of recommendation on their behalf.
Teresa was nominated by former Department Chair, James B. Flanegan, PhD, stating “I am happy to have this opportunity to nominate Ms. Teresa White for a Special Achievement Award for her exceptional performance as a staff member in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology during the 2021-22 academic year. I support her nomination for this award with my highest level of enthusiasm. The supporting letters provided by several member of our department and college speak to her positive attitude, and the fact that she is always willing to help and go beyond normal work hours when it required to get the job done. The letters point out her exceptional leadership skills and how they have been of critical importance in several challenging situations the department has faced during the past year. I agree with all the letter writers and cannot think of anyone more deserving of this award.”
Letters of Support:
“As I have worked with her daily, I get to observe her in action and see the impact she makes. She is one of the very few who have the innate ability and personal drive to see critical needs over a wide spectrum and ensure they are met to advance the mission of UF. Her example of service provides true leadership to the Department, College, and University.” – Dr. Gentry
“Teresa is over-the-top busy, but I have never seen her be impatient with anyone or be hesitant to stop what she is doing and help someone. Teresa is incredibly professional and handles her job duties with exceptional collegiality. Her communication skills are outstanding. Teresa truly has exceptional administrative and leadership skills, and we are so very fortunate that she works with us.” – Dr. Bloom
Additional recommendations were also provided by Robert McKenna, PhD; Matthew Merritt, PhD; Lauren Douma, PhD; Amanda Shaffer, Richanne Lamb, and Kris Minkoff.
Join us in congratulating Teresa at the awards banquet on March 20th at the Hilton UF Conference Center from 11am – 1pm.