Master’s Program, & Combined B.S./M.S. Degree Program

The M.S. program is designed to provide students necessary skills to obtain positions within the private and government research sectors. Our M.S. program is also designed to provide the background necessary for entry into competitive Ph.D. or other professional school (MD, DVM, DDS, etc) programs. It is anticipated that students will complete the MS program within 6 semesters of starting the program.

Student working at lab bench

Ph.D. Program

The Ph.D. program in Biomedical Sciences with a concentration in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is one of seven advanced interdepartmental concentrations that make up our college-wide graduate program in Biomedical Sciences. This program is designed both to provide students with fundamental graduate-level training and to provide flexibility in tailoring a course of studies to fit with a student’s research interests.

Two students working in the lab

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